Types of Blood Drives
Indoor Blood Drive
Every day, Solvita hosts up to four inside blood drives within an 18-county service area. Blood drives held within a sponsor’s facility are good options for sponsors who have a minimum of 30 potential donors and resources for Solvita to bring equipment to set up a blood drive inside. Examples of inside blood drives include:
- High School/University (gymnasium, common areas, auditoriums)
- Corporate Drives (conference rooms, lobbies, common areas)
- Community Drives (VFW, large open spaces)
Blood Mobile
Everyday Solvita hosts up to three blood drives on a bus. This type of blood drive is ideal for groups with 20-40 donors, or who do not have adequate space to conduct an inside blood drive.
Donor Center Blood Drive
The Solvita Blood Center is located in Dayton. The center offers daily donation opportunities for donors to make appointments which are convenient for them. Solvita also offers an opportunity for groups which may not meet requirements to host blood drives at their locations to sponsor a blood drive at the Dayton center.